Next-Gen POS
Add a drive-thru with an exclusive activation &/or integrated POS activations.
Elevate your consumer’s POS experience and create activations that
keep them engaged and sharing your brand’s value.

Location Based Services
Data collected at every entry/exit point and throughout the grow to testing to POS flow.

Organic Social Media Engagements
Increase brand sentiment and engage continuously through the supply chain.

On social, via email, podcast, website and even print media to keep increase awareness.

Plant Tracking
Easily trim and tag at any time with instant update of new plant or trimming identifier.
Drive Thru Activations
By the time your patients and consumers arrive at teh drive thru, they will experience a unique activation that has started weeks in advance with the tagging of a plant at teh grow site.
Curated Content
Our marketing agency will create curated content for the entire lifecycle of the plant even content for post-consumption of the medicine.

Our understanding of your needs from grow operation to POS at a dispensary is extensive. We understand what your consumers want to see because we are your long time medicinal patients and adult use consumers. We know very well how we can give you more than a competitive edge. We partner with the top technology providers, test extensively and are experts at designing, deploying and supporting those technologies.
5156 W. Olive Ave 201 Glendale, AZ 85302
Let’s Build Your Dream Solution Together
Our expertise will exceed your expectations of what your operation could be. You’re here now, let’s get to work.